
my babies_


Art Lebedev Keyboard

Optimus Maximus Keyboard by Art Lebedev Studio

You can customize each and every keys o_o
Keyboard is use of OLED….

Well… as much as I love Art Lebedev studio… I think this keyboard isn’t it…
Yea, you get to program to customize your own keyboard…even pictures….
But but but….

First…. This keyboard costs $1,599.99!
Second… waste of energy I think_

I don’t think this one is it….
….*sigh*? lol


Instagram app is freaking awesome o_o!
You can tell different filters give different result/mood :D
love it!



Strange berries are spotted in London_

They are called Pineberries.

Don't worry_ it is not man made berry...

Pineberry is orgined in Netherland o_o!

I wanna try I wanna try

zombie bunny_

Zombie bunny for this Easter? Well you are lucky, you can buy this for $14.99


hilton @ cincinnati

We were able to sleep in comfortable hotel room at Hilton during the IDSA MidEast Conference :)
GE IDO sponsored / provided us, interns, Jake, Katie, and I the rooms :D
The room was super big! The room was right next to Kevin Shinn's, also, two doors from sponsored/speakers party lol
Thank you IDO & Marc!


IDSA MidEast Conference: Caroline Lu

Caroline Lu is a researcher and designer at Mayo Clinic.

Those of you who don’t know what Mayo Clinic is, it is a non-profilt organization that provides a medical practice and medical research group. And you ask how a designer could be working for Mayo Clinic? Caroline said few years ago IDEO established Mayo Clinic’s Center for Innovation (CFI). They probably believed that there are ways to find and solve a problem that creative minds can do :D

At IDSA conference, Caroline shared how a designer/researcher involved in the process and progressed to find a solution. She has begun with her research state. We all know as a designer that research carries big weight in part of designing. As she talked about her research and how emotional it is… how people reacts…. What all the doctors have to go through…. I started to tear up during her first ten minutes into the presentation ;-;

I am not going to talk about everything. Her solution? It was genius! So simple but innovative! You can read her case story at Core 77. “Case Study: Designing An EMR For Small Family Medicine Practices, by Caroline Lu”

During the celebration that night, I had a chance to talk to her. First thing I said was, “I tried not to cry during your presentation!” Her face was lighted up. “ I learned that every field needs a designer, and there are a way to find a solution in creative way.” Then she thanked me. She was a humble but brave woman. She told me, she tried not to cry and tear up, and it shows that you are weak. We, as women, are very emotional. Most of time, it is good thing but we have to try not to overcome by the overflowing emotion especially in front of patients. Lot of people freak out when someone is crying…you know :)

There aren’t many female designers out there. But a woman like Caroline Lu inspires lot of young designers and students encourage that there are many fields that women need to involve. Using emotional state in ours, we can design something that will move other people.

There are several things I learned and decided.

I learned that you may use your emotional state to find a problem and solve a creative solution. Designers not only can design a pretty, innovative, and futuristic thing, but also can help people, even in medical field (duh!)

Now I do want to design something that is an emotionally help. I want to design something that is an emotionally desire. I don’t want to be a designer who makes garbage.

featured on IDSA student email

Welcome to my blog :) here is where I talk about everything If you are here because of you saw me feaured in IDSA student email, I really appreciate you stop by.

I did not get that email sadly... If I knew I would've update my blog more... luckly i have a good friend from UC told me today!

I still have lot to talk about my epxerience at IDSA. So be patient!

I would love to share what I've learned this year. If you have a chance, don't forget to attend IDSA conference next year! Being around by creative & passionate designers all weekends is just priceless. Well... stay tuned_

super busy_

three projects are going on right now at GE.... I hope to cover most of my experiences from IDSA soon_ so please be patient!


IDSA MidEast Conference: Curt Baily

Curt Baily from SunbergFerar gave a speech
about why we need to design
something different & unique then others.

He compared his story with Porridge
from the story of Goldilock & three bears.
Porridge is so blend and colorless...
and I dont even know why bears & Goldilock even obsessed about it.

He said we rather design
something that has strong emotions
then something blend, like porridge.
Of course, that strong emotion that consumers feel is "Love" then
you are successfully design something that
will probably last long_

The design philosophy of Curt & SunbergFerar is
what we as a designers initially in minds before designing.
It may not be so easy because of stupid corporate marketing - _-;
but I think it is a never ending task as a designer to fight for what we truly believe.
We have to fight.

I think I will try my best to fight for what I believe in rest of GE internship.



At Mideast conference, I had many AhHa moments. from speakers from professions from students One day, I do hope that I will be able to provide AhHa moment to others. I already miss IDSA conference.

IDSA MidEast Conference: Dan Harden

I attened the annual distric IDSA Midead conference past three days.

(April 8-10, 2011)

I was overwhelemed by all the speaksers and people I've met

who are well passionate about DESIGN.

I met Dan Harden from Whipsaw.

He is the guy who was behind the innovative baby bottle

that I actually wanted to touch.... and I did.

(hahahaha..yes. they were very soft)

Not just that,

he has designed various products that

we may use these days.

We never know o_o

Now, he is my one of inspire.

I hope one day, there is another chance to meet this man


talk about our design.


I talked about Dan with my manager at GE.

and guess what!?

my manager, Marc Hottenroth, interned and worked

for Dan Harden 20 years ago in NYC.

what a small world!


what is philosophy?

my first and last online course: Intro to Philosophy
I think i am spending too much time one it...-_ -;


childhoood animations

seriously, who didn't love to watch animation
when you were young!

i remember i came home by the time
animations start

or i tell my mom to record the animation for me
ahh...VHS lol

i used to sing animation opening songs
with my sisters and mommy :)

ahhh i miss those days!

i found whole season of "sweet tales of St.Tail"
one of my favorite opening songs back then...

Now i think of them...
some did have very lame story line..


30 days of winter closet

i don't know why...
but i decided to start a personal project of my own

i called it, 30 days of Winter Closet.
bascially, i will just draw what i wore that day for 30 days
[jan 10 - feb 10]

let see how it goes....
it might be boring.....
since i don't have much freedom of what i can wear at work :/

if this one goes well...
i might do another one for summer or during school year :)

more sketches to come_



my very own website :)
v. 1


by tony

did i mention that my friend tony from chicago
came down to louisville to visit me?
well...now you know :D
he loves his camera and traveling
while he was here he took some awesome paparazzi photos of me :P

i just love the colors!

even it was short weekends
the fact that he thought of me and to visit
meant a lot to me!

you may click the photo for full view
also dont forget to visit my friend's blog :)
thanks tony



if there was no project at work that is due in a week......
i was probably flying back to louisville from NYC
spending NYE with my buddy :(

back to work


bye bye chapter 1

New year has begun
It's time for me to move on to next chapter.

Happy New Year [2011] Everybody :)
image provided by TONY


late christmas_

korean snacks and etc from chicago
some are from my friend, tony
ive been eating them past two weeks_